Monday, February 25, 2008

Season Opener

First of all, it's good to be back on. Apparently, my computer caught the flu from me...or something like that. My husband, myself, and my computer have all been sick. Once N and I were back on our feet, he was able to take a look at my computer. Sleeping with a computer guy definitely has its advantages.

Anyway, today marks the opening of testing season for me. My first big training of the year was this morning. I'd been working to prepare for this training and our first testing session for weeks as there are a number of new policies. And of course, I had to come up with procedures for how we'd implement the policies along with some handy dandy checklists. I'm a little over the top OCD about my testing day procedures and making sure things go smoothly. I guess signing on the dotted line for an entire campus will do that to you. I'd kind of like to keep my licenses, certifications, and job.

I just have to share two really awesome things that happened though. First, every person who was supposed to be at training, nearly forty people, was present and on time. And by on time, I mean they had their folders in hand, they had their food (I provided breakfast), they had Route 44's of caffeine, they had signed in, and they were looking at me with these faces that said, "teach me." Seriously. I was blown away. That has never happened before in the history of my TAKS trainings. The gentle reminder notes from me and somewhat stronger worded reminders from my principal paid off.

So I was just about to start off by telling everyone to hold their questions until the end when I see a teacher waving at me. At first I thought it was just a friendly, "you'll do great" kind of wave. But when she didn't stop, I acknowledged her. She proceeded to tell me that her science team traditionally starts their collaboration time out with a prayer. And since we were technically training during collaboration, would it be OK if we started with a prayer.

Of course I said, "absolutely". So, she started us with a prayer that was beautifully worded especially asking a blessing for me, our kids, and for our campus to remember that there is more to life than testing. It was really precious. I had to take some deep breaths to keep from starting the training out in tears. I just can't tell you how awesome that was; it set just the right tone for the entire training.

And what a blessing to work in a place where prayer is acceptable and welcome. It was a nice reminder of how good I have spite of it being testing season.


Harmony said...

That is awesome. It's good to know that there are still people not afraid to pray at school. :)

Kelly said...

T-minus 36 hours and counting. You ready?