Monday, August 10, 2015

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

After years of delicious indulgence, I’m breaking up with my long term breakfast sweet, Poptarts.  It was the discovery of their sneaky deception that led me to this drastic departure.  They lured me in with their preparation ease and portability then sealed the deal with their tempting flavors.  But no more.  Last week I glanced at the 200 calorie label and something sinister caught my eye, “Serving Size – 1 pastry”. 

Who eats one poptart?!?  That is 400 calories for breakfast!  The name is “Poptarts” not “Poptart”!  That implies more than one!  They are packaged in pairs. 

Thus began my search for new breakfast options for the gal who has an hour commute and eats in the car.  Oatmeal and cereal are great, but spoons are more than I can navigate at the same time as Westpark, 59, 610, 45, and Beltway.  (For you non-Houston residents, that is 3 major highways and 2 toll roads.)

I came across a recipe for some “clean” zucchini, banana pancakes that inspired my creative juices.  I don’t know much about clean eating other than the 15 second rule, but I figured I could rework my homemade pancake recipe to something a little heartier and healthier.  And that is just what I did.  I substituted whole wheat flour and oatmeal for the white flour, honey for white sugar, and added grated zucchini and mashed banana.  A delicious result.  I often eat pancakes without syrup and enjoy them very much as they have a touch of sweetness already.  This version was also enjoyable without the extra calories.

My recipe makes 12 pancakes, so I bagged them in servings of 2 and put them in the freezer after they had cooled completely.  If you don’t let them cool, condensation will freeze in the bag, and you will have soggy pancakes.  Last night I moved one bag from freezer to refrigerator.  This morning, I popped them in to the toaster, just as easily as the evil poptarts.  Grabbed my travel mug of coffee and pancakes to go.

Hearty Zucchini Banana Pancakes

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 ½ teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 small zucchini, grated
1 banana, mashed
1 egg
3 tablespoons honey
1 cup milk
3 tablespoons butter

Makes 12.  ~238 calories per serving of TWO pancakes

Hearty.  Delicious.  Portable

Yes.  I know it has 3 tablespoons of butter.  I said they were healthier, not healthy.  But I’m considering dropping the butter next time.  We’ll see. 

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