Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wishful Thinking

It may well be the most wonderful time of the year.  But in a blended family, and let’s be honest, in ANY family, it may not always feel like it.  The difficulty in a blended family stems from the pushing, pulling, tugging, guilting, and general heart aching that exists when you are living under orders written by a judge.

I’m growing accustomed to these new holiday stresses, but it often leaves me reflecting on how to make things better.  What can I do for my family to ease this strain?  And that got me thinking about walking around in someone else’s shoes.  Atticus’ challenge mirrors the golden rule.  And I’m working on all of that.  But I’ve also been doing some wishful thinking.

Wishful Thinking

I wish that you
Would share with me
Your little girl's heart.

I wish that you
Could share her with-
Out tearing her apart.

I wish that you
Knew I don't want
To take her heart away.

I wish you knew
I want her love
For you to grow each day.

I wish you knew
It hurts her when
You're ugly to her dad.

I wish you knew
That you're the one
Who ends up looking bad.

I wish you knew
That holding tight
Causes her to tug.

I wish you knew
The strangle hold
Does not feel like love.

I wish you knew
You're fear of loss
Is pushing her to us.

I wish you knew
That's not our goal.
We're not that treacherous.

I wish you knew
How hard I try to
Repair the broken pieces

I wish you knew
I pray for you
That the peace between increases.

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