Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

This year has been a crazy blur for me. Since Christmas, my husband and I have both been sick several times: flu, upper respiratory infection, allergies, sinus infection. You name it; we've had it. Add to that N starting a new job and me trying to get all the new wrinkles in testing ironed out, a weekend visit from a niece, Valentine's day, N's birthday, finding a life group, getting involved in new things at church...we've been busy.

In the midst of all the craziness, my Christmas decorations somehow got overlooked. I must confess that my tree is still up and the stockings are still hung with care. The lights on the tree are plugged into a switch that I turn on every day when I get home. People driving by in the evenings can still see the warm glow of our lights through the front window.

I was thinking about it this week because a friend stopped by and commented on the feel of Christmas in the air in our home. So I was looking at my tree, which is decorated with a cowboy theme, and decided that it isn't Christmasy at all. It's a Cowboy Tree. It's decorative. It's all part of the home decor master plan. It could stay up year round.

I figure if the husband and dog are happy and healthy, who cares about a little extra twinkling in the living room. It's mood lighting. And it may or may not come down over Spring Break.

1 comment:

Harmony said...

I love your tree. It should stay up. I love Christmas and would consider leaving mine up also if my family didn't mind.

And do come see us sometime. We'll show you all the sights.