Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Center Stage

Our house is officially ready to show and listed as of this morning. Our realtor, whom I love, is a big proponent of "staging" a house to sell. I figured that since we are paying her good money, or will be when the house sells, I'd follow her advice. The house looks great, but there are some interesting phenomena that happen in a staged house; it's kind of like living in Whoville.

In A Staged Home...

1. No trash is produced...that is why you never see any trash cans.
2. No noses run...that is why you don't see any Kleenex boxes.
3. Dishes are never dirty...
4. Laundry is always clean and put away...
5. People don't run around in their could you, the blinds are always open.
6. It never smells of fried food or other smelly cooking...just check the outlets for plug ins.
7. Music is always playing softly in the background.
8. Kitchen cabinets are neat and orderly with the cans and spices organized and facing forward...not unlike Sleeping with the Enemy.
9. Throw pillows are always where they should be.
10. The bathroom is always clean.

I don't mind living in Whoville for a time, but I'm not sure I can keep this up too long. Pray that our house sells quickly!


Kelly said...

Nora Jones is good "staging" music. Oh, and if you can get your carpet to have those magic stripes as if just vacuumed, you've got it made. Also, plants are never dead and grass never needs to be mowed. I have a sister-in-law who has the same staging rules.

Harmony said...

I do hope it sells fast for you. Whoville would get to me after awhile.

Connie said...

You KNOW you are in my prayers! Whoville is a nice place to visit, but not ideal to really live for very long! Hang in there!