Saturday, August 2, 2008

Same Song, Different Verse

When peace, like a river, attendath my way.
When sorrows, like sea billows, roll.
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well. It is well, with my soul.

On our way to dinner, in honor of our eleventh wedding anniversary, we got a phone call from our realtor. She let us know that the woman with whom we had a contract on our house backed out. So, we are headed back to Whoville. The magic lines on the carpet should be in place before we leave for church tomorrow. Even so, it is still well, with my soul.

And in honor of our 11th anniversary, here are 11 things that I love about my beloved.

1. He makes me laugh every single day.
2. He gives me a great deal on computer repair. He fixes it; I give him...whatever. ;)
3. He helps me to remember that worry is a waste of energy.
4. He is very handy...oh, and he can fix stuff too.
5. He makes me laugh at myself.
6. He willingly completes my mom's honey-do list when we visit.
7. He always drives, even on long trips.
8. He taught me to shoot a gun and drive an ATV.
9. He doesn't get uncomfortable when I cry.
10. He LOVES to talk about his feelings.
11. He might call me a "Smoochmonger", but he gives me as many as I want anyway.

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