Saturday, December 10, 2011

Heavenly Banana Bread

There is something oh so wrong about over ripe bananas and oh so right about delicious banana bread.  My favorite banana bread recipe came from Gwen Goodyear, my sister in law’s mom.  I’ll be honest, it’s a difficult recipe.  You’ve got to be on really good speaking terms with your oven to get this one right.  It requires time adjustments, temperature adjustments, and sometimes tinfoil.  But when you get it right, it’s pure heaven. 

I feel sure that there are other recipes out there that are easier.  But I don’t care.  This is “Dusty’s Banana Bread,” though really Gwen’s, so it’s the one I’m going to make.  Gwen is now in heaven, so I feel sure that this recipe is right on the verge of being THE heavenly choice.   

My all time favorite memory of Gwen is a Christmas years ago; I don’t even remember what year it was.  What I do remember is Gwen and her three daughters all in Dusty’s kitchen preparing the meal.  They were laughing and fussing and laughing and arguing and laughing and really LOUD!  And it was awesome!  Somewhere I have a picture of it.  I should frame it with this recipe.  The very best part of the memory though is that I got to be right in there with all of them.  A perfect moment captured in my heart.

So here is the recipe.  Good luck…

Gwen’s Banana Bread

1 ¼ c flour
1 c sugar
½ t salt
1 t baking soda

Cut in ½ c shortening.

Add and mix:
2 ripe bananas, mashed
2 eggs

Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.


Karen said...

I have been so behind of my blog reading and so am trying to catch up a little tonight. I have read several of your posts but will only take the time to comment on one for all of them. I love your writing. I, like you, often write to think and it is fun reading someone else's thoughts. Please know that you are in my prayers, friend.

I loved reading about how you are helping Allison. I couldn't help but thinking how you have reclaimed a bit of your youth years through that friendship.

Anonymous said...

I just read this. And I laughed AND cried. Now that's a good blogpost. :) <3. I love reading your blog!