Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book Review: 139 pages of YUM!

For my book reading readers, I decided to write some short book reviews.  I’ve never really written a book review per se, so I don’t really know if there is a specific formula.  So I’ll pretend we are at Starbucks sipping our favorite drinks, grandesoymochanowhip for me, and tell you what I thought about the most recent book I read. 

Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey Now is a very short, reflective book by Maya Angelou.  I love Maya’s poetry.  (Notice how I called her Maya?  That’s because she feels like a friend.)  I love this book because it has one of the same qualities of poetry that I enjoy.  It is the essence of wisdom she has learned throughout her life.  It isn’t a long expository or biography.  It is the boiled down “stock” of her wisdom on being a woman, love, loss, and many other topics.  She doesn’t carry on about it all; she says it plainly in two pages and then moves on to the next chapter.  Short and sweet.  Like a poem.

Get this book and put it aside for an afternoon when you want to indulge yourself while also learning something good and wholesome and right.  Bring a highlighter and a cup of tea and tune out the world for an hour to enjoy this great read.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Sounds like a book I would enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation.