Monday, March 11, 2013


Earlier today I was "listening" to a friend, we were messaging on FB.  What she was feeling is something I've experienced.  Probably most people have at one time or another.  And it brought to mind something I wrote a couple years ago, April of 2011 to be exact.  I decided to share it here on faith that my readers, all 4 of you, can handle it.  :)  I figure it never hurts to shake things up a little.  Afterall, it's after midnight on my first official night of Spring Break!  Woohoo!!!

When the meat loaf is over
Dessert is done
Everyone full to the brim,
I’m the peas left on the plate.
Pushed around in the juices
Made to look like they were eaten.
But the peas get scraped in the trash
Or if they’re lucky, fed to the dog
A distant memory.
When supper is finished
The dishes dried
Appetites sated for the day,
I’m the leftovers in Ziplocs
Thrown in the back of the fridge
So you feel better about not being wasteful.
But the leftovers land in the disposal
Or if they’re lucky, tomorrow’s lunch
Inhaled between meetings.
Someday I wanna be the main dish
Savored slowly
Filling you up with me.
No leftovers on this plate
Enjoyed and licked clean
Dressed up and presented on fine china.
No leftovers gone to waste
The lucky chosen, feeds on me
His last supper.


CristyThoughts said...

LOVE this. :)

Karen said...

Hope you are feeling less leftover in 2013. You are a truly special person and never a leftover to God. Enjoy digging in the dirt today. Here in Colorado you'd have to dig in the snow first. Can't wait for spring. 1202hermnom

Ronel said...

HI Laura,

I truly think you should write a book. I love your blog. Maybe we should talk about this.