Monday, March 12, 2012


What does it mean to be a sister?  Is it about having the same parents?  Shared growing up memories?  Is it about blood?  If it’s strictly about blood, I don’t have any.  If it’s more, then I have several.  Getting together with the Selvidge’s has gotten me thinking about sisters because I’ve always sort of thought of Erin and Renate as my big sisters. 

We don’t have the same parents, but I’m pretty sure that all of us got praised and disciplined by both sets of parents.  I know I did.  And as far as shared memories go, we have a lifetime of them.  We’ve all gone our own ways, but the magic of Facebook has shrunk the globe to allow us into each other’s lives again. 

And then there are my sisters-in-law.  Why is it necessary to even distinguish between sister and sister-in-law?  As far as I’m concerned, Dusty and Cindy also qualify as my sisters.  I share my brothers with them, and they share their children with me.  I won’t comment on who got the better deal…

It could be that having three brothers has motivated me to find sisters.  I’m pretty sure that I’ve gotten the best ones out there.  The following was written with them in mind.  We’ll see if they can identify themselves.  =]


Midnight memories
Shared pain
Catching up

Rolling pie dough
Team work

Birthday dinners
Full hearts
Welcome home

Distance learning
Skype tears
Tickeling arms

Facebook nearness
Bridge hearts
But not arms.

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