Sunday, July 10, 2011


Who will know you’re hurt
If your wounds don’t bleed?
When your body aches with longing
And you are rejected yet again
And the shame squeezes tight
Choking out life
So that you gasp to breathe,
Who will see?

When who you are is lost
Erased by neglect and disinterest
Replaced by something less
Someone weak and pitiful
And broken and scarred
Who will try to find you
if they don’t know you are missing?

Who will smell the fear
When you boldly speak the truth
Only to have it twisted with logic
Until you’re turned upside down
And inside out
And too stupid to know the difference?

Who will find you when you run
Far far away
Deep down inside
Curled up in a tiny ball
In the far away corner of your heart
Locked up tight?

Who will see the scabs
Grown over your bloodied trust
Making you doubt and insecure
Flinching when someone gets too near
Your vulnerable places?

No one saw the blood
But it leaked out
Of raw and gaping wounds
A constant dripping

No one saw the bruises
That just barely began to heal
Green and purple
Before they were pushed and poked again
Like some sick game.

No one saw the tears
Or heard the body wracking sobs
Alone in the dark

I hurt.
I bled.
I scabbed.
I heal.

But is it real if no one saw it?
Is it less if it was only my heart?

Written 10/5/10

1 comment:

Karen said...

My heart hurts for you sweet Laura, but I am so thankful for your honesty! Sharing helps heal the wounds. I have learned that God's timing is always the right timing and this time of sharing will indeed be a healing balm.